ELPOZO ALIMENTACIÓN brings men and women together from all over Spain in the I National Congress for People Responsible for the Home


ELPOZO ALIMENTACIÓN is holding today and tomorrow, in its facilities in Alhama de Murcia, the I National Congress for People Responsible for the Home to analyse, among other things, the needs of a healthy diet, guidelines for family well-being, keys for responsible consumption, as well as new life styles and their demands.

Managing the domestic economy is not an easy task. Running a family is no less than running a small business where there is income, expenses, medium and long-term investments, structural needs and, of course, a programme of objectives.  To analyse the keys to good housekeeping, this congress brings together more than 300 people in a pioneering event in Spain.

A national event which the food company has organised in collaboration with the Federation of Housewives, Consumers and Users Associations of Murcia (ThaderConsumo) and the Federation  TYRIUS of Valenica, under the slogan ‘The cornerstone of family economy’ which brings together in the Region of Murcia the groups and representatives of each Spanish province that form part of the federation.

The initiative is looking to recognise the daily work carried out by those in charge of managing the family needs. As such, it will include debates on subjects such as how new family structures have varied as well as highlighting the shared responsibility of looking after the home, making it quite clear that although household management continues to be mainly a woman’s domain, there are more and more men who are responsible for the household chores.

With this forum, ELPOZO ALIMENTACIÓN is looking to help define the strong points of a healthy diet thanks to a selection of the best products to be eaten by families. All that mindful of the fact that it is essential to transfer healthy eating habits to new generations.

ElPOZO ALIMENTACIÓN will also promote, as part of this congress, a competition on social networks #YoCocinoenCasa (Icookathome), which will award a prize to the photograph of the best dish made from the company’s products, and it will be open from 1st October until 30th November.

ELPOZO ALIMENTACIÓN is trying to shed light on a job which many consider to be the most important: looking after our family. After all, the family origin of the company, together with other strengths such as innovation, traceability or food safety, make up the DNA of a brand which is now present in eight out of ten Spanish households and which exports its products to more than 80 countries.

The development of the programme includes different activities which mix the professional and the cultural with initiatives which will let people get to know the region and also food styles and their nutritional characteristics.  The event has the participation of speakers who are specialists and experts in nutrition who will share their knowledge and experience on food habits at home and the healthiest ways when it comes to preparing food.

