ELPOZO Alimentación receives award in the El Mundo Zen Adecco Awards 2017 in the most creative and innovative space category


ELPOZO Alimentación has won first prize in the most creative and innovative space category in the El Mundo Zen Adecco Awards 2017 for its chill-out room, designed so that its employees can sleep a siesta. The jury also took into account the wide range of social services that the company offers to its workers, from a pre-school centre, cafes and restaurant, a 24- hour medical service, a shop, and a large number of sports facilities including a fitness centre, a sports pavilion and paddle courts.

These awards, which are in their second year, recognise all those companies and directors who understand business management as more than just financial results. Companies which have facilities that contribute to staff well-being, which stimulate their creativity or concentration, and make it easier for them to rest when necessary, and who are committed to society through specific employment generation plans. Companies which, from a physical, social and emotional perspective, look at their employees’ happiness as a way of being more productive.

The award was collected by the Human Resources Director of ELPOZO Alimentación, Manuel García, from the hands of the Assistant Director of the newspaper El Mundo, Juan Fornieles, and Adecco’s Marketing and Communication Director, Margarita Álvarez, during the gala held yesterday in the Sala Truss, Madrid. The relevance of these awards has been such that they have become a Trending Topic on Twitter.

The rest of the award winners in other categories were: Gas Natural Fenosa, for promoting healthy habits; ASTI, for attracting and generating talent; To-Tem, for its entrepreneurial project, NH hotels, for the best solidarity project; Reale Seguros, for flexibility and work life balance and Ikea, for the most Zen management team.


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