The ElPozo brand is once again, for the second year running, the brand which most people buy, according to the ‘Brand Footprint’ ranking undertaken by the consultancy Kantar Worldpanel, the greatest study of consumer brands based on actual purchases last year. ElPozo products are present in 78.9 per cent of Spanish households, that is, eight out of ten families.
The Spanish food company is ahead of Coca-Cola, present in 76.3 per cent of households in our country. In addition, ElPozo is the Spanish consumer brand with the highest rate of annual contact, with 132.3 million registered by Kantar.
ElPozo Alimentación is also the leader in sales by Autonomous Communities, in seven of which it is number one. ElPozo is the number one choice of consumer brand in the Region of Murcia, Andalucia, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Galicia, Navarra and the Canary Islands, which is included for the first time in the Brand Footprint regional rankings.
The ‘Brand Footprint 2017’ study identifies 50 consumer brands which are bought the most often in Spain and in the world. This report, which reflects purchases undertaken by households, is based on consumer contact, which is made from the number of buyers of a brand and the frequency with which they buy it.
ElPozo has also just recently been chosen among the most innovative producers of brand name consumer goods, thanks to the success of its product launches.