Privacy policy



ElPozo Alimentación S.A., with CIF A-30014377, registered office at Av. Antonio Fuertes, 1, 30840, Alhama de Murcia (Murcia), is the Party Responsible for Processing the data provided by the user, and guarantees their processing and confidential security, in compliance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
The user can contact the Data Protection Officer for any need or query that arises relating to data protection at, for the attention of Elena Marín Lorente.


We hereby inform the user that ElPozo Alimentación will process the data of a personal nature provided by the user for the following purposes:

  • To guarantee the user access to and use of the various contents located on the website.
  • User registrations to provide access to the different services available: to consult all our active employment offers, or to leave us your curriculum vitae for future vacancies; commercial service and consumer service.
  • To inform the user by any means, including the sending of commercial communications to the email address provided by the user, of products and services from ElPozo Alimentación.
  • To carry out promotional activities about ElPozo Alimentación products, including the sending of commercial communications to the email address provided by the user.
  • Moreover, the browsing data and user cookies can be processed for the purposes of improving accessibility for the user, to personalise and analyse their browsing, and to show publicity and advertising based on the user’s interests in accordance with our cookies policy, which must be accepted as a step previous to browsing on our website.
  • In addition, ElPozo Alimentación shall be able to utilise the data, dissociated from the user and conserving their anonymity at all times, even after terminating the relationship, for the purpose of using them within its support systems when making decisions and for business management.


The legitimisation for the processing of your data are the consents obtained from the user, legitimisation derived from use of the website, the contracting of products or services, and any other legitimisation that may apply to you, at any time.

The user consents are obtained both on registration as user and with the different requests made within the website, and may be modified at any time by the user through the exercising of their rights. In the case of customers with contracts in force, the processing may also be based on the legitimate interests of ElPozo Alimentación for the offer of own products and related services, loyalty creation actions, creation of profiles to offer products or services similar to those contracted and to communicate this data to third party companies for carrying out administrative management for the purposes of admission of customers, prevention of fraud, claiming and collection of debts.

Legitimate interest includes processing of user data for the management of security and control of access to support information systems.

ElPozo demands the declaration of legal age for registration as user, which is restricted for minors, to which end you, with your registration, declare and guarantee that you are of legal age. In any case, ElPozo exonerates itself of processing of data of minors without the consent of their parents or guardians.


The service provision offered by ElPozo Alimentación through its website may require other third party service providers to access the user’s personal data as managers of the treatment. Said service providers are located in Spain, and in any case, in the European Economic Area.

In addition to the foregoing, ElPozo Alimentación shall be able to make transferrals or communications of personal data to fulfil its obligations to the Public Administrations when required in accordance with the current legislation at any time, and when applicable, also to other bodies such as the State Judiciary and Law Enforcement Bodies.


In order to access certain services, it will be necessary to become a registered user of the website. The data for the filling in of the forms is provided freely and voluntarily, meaning that the data will have to be true and match reality. The user commits to making diligent use and not making their user name and password available to third parties.

The data which the user provides for contracting services or products are necessary for maintaining the contractual relationship, and the fact of not providing them will make it impossible to manage said relationship.

The user is responsible for the veracity of the data communicated and must request its modification whenever necessary to ensure its correct processing, the correct provision of the services contracted and the sending of communications.

The user can exercise the rights of access, rectification, or request the deletion of their data when it is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected, among other reasons.

The user shall be able to request the limitation of the processing of their data under the circumstances established in art. 18 of the GDPR, in which case it will only be retained for exercising or defending from possible claims.

The user shall be able to withdraw the consent granted at any time, opposing the processing of their data for a particular purpose, without this affecting the legality of processing based on the consent previous to its withdrawal, or else oppose it, in which case the user’s personal data will only be retained for exercising or defending from possible claims.

The user shall be able to request the portability of their personal data from ElPozo Alimentación and obtain an electronic copy.

All these rights can be exercised by communicating in writing to ElPozo Alimentación at the following email address: - for the attention of the Data Protection Officer, or by email to the following address: Av. Antonio Fuertes, 1, 30840, Alhama de Murcia (Murcia), indicating the identification data, contact address or email, reasons for the request and justifying documentation. You must provide the document which accredits your identity.

In case the user does not obtain the expected response or satisfaction, ElPozo hereby informs you of your right to present a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency, with registered office at C/Jorge Juan nº6, 28001 Madrid, Spain, or over the Internet at the address:


ElPozo Alimentación will retain the user’s data for as long as the contractual relationship lasts, and after this, if consented to, will retain the data for promotional actions for a period of two years. For the rest of the users, the data will also be maintained for a period of two years, without prejudice to the data retention obligations demanded by the applicable legislation in each case.

Ultimately, the data will not be retained for longer than necessary for the purposes described above, without prejudice to the retention resulting necessary for the formulation or exercise of, or defence from, potential claims and/or as long as the applicable legislation allows it.


ElPozo Alimentación commits to fulfilling its obligation of secrecy of the data of a personal nature, and its duty to save it, and will adopt the necessary means to prevent their unauthorised alteration, loss, processing or access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

ElPozo has implemented the security measures of a technical and organisational nature necessary to guarantee the security of the data of a personal nature and prevent its unauthorised alteration, loss, processing and/or access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which it is exposed, whether from human action or from the physical or natural environment, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

Moreover, actions of supervision, control and evaluation of their processes are carried out continually to ensure respect for the privacy and security of the information, in accordance with the international standards.

ElPozo saves all information gathered from cookies in a non-personal identification format. It is not possible to access this type of information obtained via cookies outside of the Group and authorised third persons. Furthermore, it will not be used for unsolicited communications.

The cookies do not contain any name, but rather an IP address. Once the user’s session has been cancelled, the information contained by the cookies is no longer available for ElPozo.

The user must check to see if the settings of the computer reflect whether they wish to accept cookies or not. The user can set the browser so that it gives a warning before accepting cookies, or the user can simply set it so that it always rejects them, although in this case, the user will not be able to access all the functions of this website. The “help” button of the explorer allows you to know how all of this is done. The user does not need to have cookies activated in order to use or browse many parts of this and of other ElPozo websites. In any case, if the user uses different computers in different locations, they will need to ensure that each browser is set according to the user’s preferences with respect to cookies.


Occasionally, ElPozo shall be able to carry out modifications and corrections to the Privacy Policy. Please check it regularly to consult the changes which may have taken place and in what way they can affect you.